Why is it so important to have a Quiet Tyre?
Posted on May 30, 2014 at 9:14 am
You’ll often hear about luxury tyres being ‘quiet tyres’ but why is it so important? Cheap tyres tend to be significantly louder and that’s mainly due to the fact that the level of handling is not quite as good. A tyre that fits performs as a comfortable on the road surface will be quieter, and the quieter your tyres are the smoother it will sound.
Quiet tyres tend to last longer, and that’s because they’re designed to last, with carefully constructed grooves that adapt perfectly to various road surfaces. It must be said that all tyres in the UK have to meet certain noise levels, and even budget tyres must meet these legal requirements.
A quieter tyre tends to mean a better tyre, and one that will last a lot longer, but this is not always the case, and if you’re not too fussed about having a luxury tyre then quietness may not be too much of an issue.
Posted in Tyre