In case of a car accident – stay calm
Posted on July 27, 2020 at 10:37 am
Should you find yourself in the unenviable position of having an accident in your vehicle the main thing to remember is to stay calm and make sure that everyone involved is not seriously injured. If this is the case, then the first thing is to call on the emergency services so that they can attend the scene and give any aid that is needed.
For the majority of minor accidents that occur on the roads the emergency services are not required to attend unless there is a danger to life, or the carriageway is blocked or littered with debris causing a danger to other motorists.
After a collision it is a legal requirement to stop your vehicle and to exchange details with the other party. These should include name, address, phone number and insurance company name along with the registration number of the vehicle. If it is possible for both parties to take photographs of any damage sustained to the vehicles this is useful evidence should there be any dispute. Should your vehicle be damaged to such an extent that it is undrivable the breakdown services will need to be contacted to arrange recovery of the vehicle to a garage.
As soon as possible report the accident to your insurance company so that they can begin the claim and organise for the vehicles to be repaired.
Posted in Cars