How much can you expect to pay for a puncture repair?
Posted on February 15, 2017 at 2:17 pm
Getting a puncture on your tyre of your vehicle can be annoying especially if you have only recently had new tires fitted. Regardless of how old the tyres are, a puncture can occur at any time and you may find that you wake up to a flat tyre without even being aware that you had a puncture.
Many garages will offer a puncture repair service but not all punctures can be repaired. Depending on where the puncture is can also vary the cost of repairing it and often you need to weight this up against the cost of a new tyre, especially if you do not have much tread left on the existing one.
If the repair is simply then you can expect to pay anywhere between £5 and £25 so it is well worth shopping around. Halfords for example will charge £25 but some independent garages will charge less than £10!
You should always get some sort of guarantee on repairs that are done, but obviously if you develop a new puncture in the same tyre, that won’t be covered, only existing repairs. If the tyre is damaged in any other way then it is not advisable to have a repair.
Posted in Tyre