Cutting down on service costs
Posted on March 27, 2018 at 10:49 am
If you have a vehicle that is no longer under warranty then you may want to try and cut down on serving costs year after year. A service is vital for a vehicle and often prevents some problems from occurring. It may also highlight issues that need attention such as replacement of brake discs or pads etc.
Most cars have standard services and then have full services that are often done every other year. If you own a petrol car then the full service may include changing the spark plugs. Spark plugs are relatively easy to change and often can be bought for a fraction of the cost the garage will charge you. If you feel able to do so, then try and compare prices of spark plugs – buy them and fit them yourself. When you go to book your car in for a service then advise the garage that the spark plugs have just been changed so will not need to be done. You may find that this knocks £50 plus off the cost of the service. When buying any parts yourself be sure to check the fitment details and if there is a returns policy should you discover that you have bought the wrong thing.
Posted in Cars